PfSense DNS Resolver with PiHole DNS forwarder for network-wide ad-blocking

Configuring Unbound on PfSense as a DNS Resolver to register DHCP hostnames on localdomain and using PiHole as a DNS Forwarder to perform network-wide ad-blocking.

Setting up a Greylog server for central logging with Ansible

Learning how to use Ansible through setting up a Graylog server for centralised syslogging.

Proxmox Setup v2 - moving root onto an SSD and away from the ZFS array

Moving away from ZFS on root, and using it for the HDD array.

Proxmox host migration; new Home Server day

A workbook of migrating Proxmox to a new host for the first time.

Migrating Docker from Digital Ocean to home

Moving my docker containers to a new host at home.

Setting up a VLAN with PfSence

A quick introduction to setting up VLANs with PfSence for a guest network.